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08-07-12 Regular Town Council Minutes
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Last Updated: 2012/8/7
Size: 54K
Last Updated: 2012/8/9


AUGUST 7, 2012

PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi, Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia, Patricia Harmon and Esther B. Clarke

ABSENT  Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr.


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m.  The Chair announced the exit locations in accordance with Connecticut General
Statutes §29-381, after which the Council joined him in the pledge of allegiance.

The Chair called for a moment of silence to honor the life of Francis “Frank” DeGregorio, who had served as the town’s Park and Recreation Director several years ago.  Mr. D., as he was commonly known, was a strong proponent of maintaining the town’s parks for the enjoyment of the residents.  He will be missed.


Richard Rivera, 11 Hills Street, is not in favor of the proposed Improve East Hartford program on tonight’s agenda, but is in favor of the original Improve East Hartford which offered tax incentives for any neighborhood in town, regardless of zone or street.  Mr. Rivera also commented that he would like a greater police presence to monitor the traffic approaching the stop sign at the corner of Hills and Forbes Streets.

Susan Kniep, 44-46 and 50 Olde Roberts Street, (1) asked that the Town Council be clear about what Improve East Hartford program is being sent to a public hearing; and (2) is concerned about Senate Bill 22 and the impact it could have on the Improve East Hartford program; and (3) asked that the proposed payback plan to HUD from the East Hartford Housing Authority be made available to the public prior to the special joint meeting to be held on August 14th.  

Mayor Leclerc (1) stated that she is preparing specific data regarding the Improve East Hartford program to guide all in making an informed decision; (2) is hopeful that a meeting with the Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA) will allay any concerns regarding the powers of the CRDA and the Improve East Hartford program; (3) said that she is serving on the CRDA’s search committee for hiring an Executive Director; (4) supports the Disaster Relief Grant on tonight’s agenda; and (5) thanked Councillor Clarke for having served on the Library Commission.


July 17, 2012 Executive Session/East Hartford Education Association

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2012 Executive Session/EHEA.
                        Motion carried 7/0.  Abstain: Clarke

July 17, 2012 Executive Session/Glenn Vincent

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Pat Harmon
                        to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2012 Executive Session/Glenn
                        Motion carried 7/0.  Abstain: Clarke

July 17, 2012 Regular Meeting

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2012 Regular Meeting.
                        Motion carried 8/0.


Resignation of Esther Clarke from the Library Commission

Chair Kehoe announced the resignation of Esther Clarke from the Library Commission due to her recent appointment to the Town Council.


Grant Application to the Economic Development Administration re: FY2012 Disaster Relief Opportunity

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Economic Development Administration (EDA) intends to award investments through the FY 2012 Disaster Relief Opportunity in regions experiencing severe economic distress as a result of natural disasters that were declared as major Federal disasters between October 1, 2010 and September 30, 2011, and
WHEREAS, three (3) major Federal disasters affecting East Hartford were declared in the State of Connecticut on March 3, 2011 (snowstorm), August 27, 2011 (Hurricane Irene) and September 2, 2011 (Tropical Storm Irene), and

WHEREAS, East Hartford High School is classified as a Multi-Jurisdictional Shelter by the Connecticut Chapter of the American Red Cross and is recognized as such by the Capitol Region Council of Governments as well as the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection and was utilized as an emergency shelter by residents as a direct consequence of incidents such as the aforementioned disasters and East Hartford Middle School may be utilized as an alternate place of refuge providing increased capacity for shelter overflow, and

WHEREAS, a study conducted by Van Zelm Engineers entitled “Standby Power Options” dated May 22, 2012 recommends permanent installation of generators with automatic power transfer capability at East Hartford High School and East Hartford Middle School in order to improve operational reliability and reduce the probability of system failure in the event of prolonged power outages, and

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hartford wishes to make application to the FY 2012 Disaster Relief Opportunity in the amount of $455,200 (80%) matched by $113,800 (20%) from the Town in order to implement the recommendations of the “Standby Power Options” study which support disaster recovery and resiliency efforts.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council of the Town of East Hartford recognizes the need for funding these items under the EDA FY 2012 Disaster Relief Opportunity.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Marcia A. Leclerc, Mayor of the Town of East Hartford, is authorized to make application to, and execute and approve on behalf of this corporation, any and all documents, contracts, and amendments as may be required by the Economic Development Administration as they may pertain to this Disaster Relief Opportunity grant.

On call of the vote, motion carried 8/0.

Contingency Transfer: Republic and Democratic Primaries

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to approve the Contingency Fund transfer of $32,003 to cover the costs
                associated with the Republican and Democratic primaries to be held in
                East Hartford on August 14, 2012 as follows:
                From G9600-63492        Contingency Reserve             $ 32,003

                To G1300-60135          Election Officials                      24,250
                To G1300-62360          Election Day Expenses            4,253
                To G1300-63227          Inspection of Voting Machines    1,500
                To G1300-65212          Telephones                               2,000

                Motion carried 7/0.  Abstain: Clarke

Improve East Hartford Program:

Review of Planning & Zoning Commission Report

Majority Leader Barbara Rossi stated that the resolution referred to the town’s Planning and Zoning Commission at the June 19, 2012 Town Council meeting listed the areas to which the tax incentive would be applicable by street.  After the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed this resolution, their recommendation was that the areas to which the tax incentive would be applicable should be guided by zones – rather than streets.  The Council decided to send both versions of the Improve East Hartford program resolution to a public hearing for comment by the town’s residents.

Setting a Public Hearing Date re: Improve East Hartford Program

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                that, in accordance with the procedures set forth in §12-65(d)
of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Town Council set a
public hearing date of September 4, 2012 at 7:00PM in
Town Council Chambers to hear public comment on the proposed
Improve East Hartford Program, which will include Alternative A (areas by
street) and Alternative B (areas by zone); such plans to be posted to the
town’s website prior to the September 4, 2012 for review.
Motion carried 8/0.

Note: copies of the Improve East Hartford program, Alternatives A & B, follow these minutes.

Board of Education Capital Reserve Fund re: Barnes School, O’Connell School, East Hartford High School and East Hartford Middle School

MOTION  By Ram Aberasturia
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                that, in accordance with Article 7 §10-38 of the Town of East
                Hartford Code of Ordinances, the Town Council approve the Board
                of Education’s request to expend $500,000 from the Board of
                Education’s Capital Reserve Account for the purposes of funding
various repairs to Barnes School, O’Connell School, East Hartford
High School and East Hartford Middle School.
Motion carried 5/3.  Nays: Thompson, Harmon, Clarke


Barbara Rossi reported that two homes on High Street and one home on Broad Street still have blue tarps draped over them.

Pat Harmon (1) asked that the Mayor’s blight group (N.E.A.T.) continue to keep the Council informed of their progress; (2) suggested that the answers to Councillors’ questions of the Administration at a Council meeting be communicated at the following Council meeting so that all citizens can be aware of the answers; and (3) requested an update on the progress of development in East Hartford.

Esther Clarke inquired if progress has been made on evaluating the mold in the basement of the Long Hill Golf Clubhouse and if the rent is current.

Ram Aberasturia suggested that residents could become more proactive by frequenting town businesses and restaurants.

Eric Thompson asked for a list of private roads and streets in East Hartford and what town services are being provided for those roads and streets.


Jeffrey Standish v. Town of East Hartford

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Marc Weinberg
                to accept the recommendation of Corporation Counsel to fully
and finally settle the case entitled Jeffrey Standish v. Town of
East Hartford for the total sum of $12,000.00.
Motion carried 5/3.  Nay: Thompson, Harmon, Clarke


Ron Stocker, 143 Fitzgerald Drive, inquired on the process the town uses in dealing with blighted properties and what relation these blighted properties have in the Improve East Hartford program.

Mayor Leclerc (1) reported that on Monday, July 30th and Tuesday, July 31st, the town participated in the Statewide Emergency Drill; (2) announced that East Hartford has been selected to participate in an out-of-state 4-day Incident Management Program. The Mayor has requested that the program be held locally to allow Councillors to participate; (3) stated that CL&P attended the Statewide Emergency Drill and shared with the town the new systems that they have installed to better communicate with their staff during an emergency situation; and (4) reported that in the town’s 2000 Plan of Conservation and Development states that the town should have a rehabilitation incentive to revitalize the town’s aging housing stock.

Rich Kehoe announced the special joint meeting with the East Hartford Housing Authority will be held on Tuesday, August 14th to review the proposed payback plan to HUD by the Housing Authority.

Marc Weinberg recognized the recent birthdays of Karen Howe, Chris Stone, John Larson, Kathy Salemi, Brenda Eighmey, Patty Byrnes and Sharon Fitzgerald.

Barbara Rossi congratulated the Podunk Bluegrass Music Festival held at Dodd Stadium in Norwich for its success this past weekend.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Ram Aberasturia
                to adjourn (10:10 p.m.).
                Motion carried 8/0.

The Chair announced that the next meeting of the Town Council would be on August 21, 2012.

                                                        Angela M. Attenello
                                                          TOWN COUNCIL CLERK